Celtic Quest
A path in Awakening and Understanding.
Capture the Enchantment of Celtic Mysticism and Mystery for yourself with Celtic Quest
This quest will bring you deeper into the depths of your soul, reawakening the mystical and magical part of yourself.
In our Explorations in Celtic Quest we will be accessing a forgotten aspect of ourselves, the wiser, all knowing part of ourselves.
This is known as Essence.
Learning how to Embrace your Essence will encourage you to bring forth your unique hidden gifts and talents.
This process is prolific, like a well tended garden, your mind grows in healthy abundance
Upon completion of all 12 workshops you receive a
Celtic Quest Certificate.
This Certification is the pre requisite for Celtic Touch Training
What is Celtic Quest?
Celtic Quest is an ancient spiritual path that embraces a life of living in harmony with the world around us.
Celtic Quest serves by finding the paths to harmony for people that will also contribute to the growth and survival of the entire world. It is about finding and following your personal vocation and incorporating it into your life regardless of your faith or religious beliefs.
What can I expect at a Celtic Quest Workshop?
We usually start off the class by discussing what we will be covering that day, the object of the workshop, methods being used etc. Each workshop has an opening meditation, smudging, drumming, music, guided imagery, introduction to the Elements. the Directions. Medicine wheels, Soul of Nature, Elementals, Fairies, Spirit Guides, Goddesses, Warriors, Wizards, Animal Totems, Plant and Tree Spirits. We will experience Drumming Journeys, Imrama and more.
I will say that not every workshop is the same, depending on the people attending, the dynamics of the group, the sharing can go in many different ways. For this reason I invite participants who have completed 12 basic Celtic Quest workshops to attend the workshops again free of charge, any time they desire providing we have space and are not at capacity.
There are 12 Celtic Quest Workshops. Celtic Quest Workshops
Upon completion of all 12 workshops you receive a Celtic Quest Certificate.
This Certification is the pre requisite for Celtic Touch Training
Celtic Touch Practitioner Level 1 Certificate
This is the first module in a two part Certificate Course. Level 1 is a pre-requisite course that is required when working towards the Celtic Touch Practitioner Certificate. It continues a dedicated path into an awakening and understanding Celtic Shamanism. You will be trained in the basic techniques involved in Extraction Healing, which can be a life changing healing on a very deep level. The course is 8 hours and has an additional 20 hours of practice required before continuing to Level 2. Level 1 is an opportunity to practice on yourself and friends.
Cost: $225
Pre-requisites: Celtic Quest Certificate
Celtic Touch Practitioner Level 2 Certificate
Celtic Touch Level 2 brings you deeper into the mystical part of yourself. In addition to learning additional Extraction Healing techniques, you will also be shown how to embrace the essence of another, encouraging them to bring forth their own unique hidden gifts and talents. You will enjoy 3 additional Celtic Journeys and The Emotional Sources of Disease.
Upon completion of your 20 hours practice, you may begin offering Celtic Touch Treatments.
Cost: $225
Pre-requisites: Celtic Quest Certificate & Celtic Touch First Level
Celtic Quest Packages
Buying a package of workshops saves money if you pay for all of them at one time.
It also ensures you stay dedicated to the quest.
Workshop Package $600
12 Workshop @ $60
Save $120
Celtic Quest and Celtic Touch Level I Certificate $800
12 Workshops $720
Celtic Touch Level 1 Certification $225
Save $145
Celtic Touch Practitioner Package $1000
12 Workshops $720
Celtic Touch Level 1 Certification $225
Celtic Touch Level 2 Certificate $225
Save $170

Celtic Circle
The facilitator and participants help each other relax and find peace together. You will benefit from a healing circle in many ways, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Notice an immediate reduction in stress and acquire some new tools for pain management and spiritual growth. We enjoy many different modalities and techniques during these circles
Cost $60

Celtic Cliff
Using guided meditation and sound therapy, Fiona will bring you to the magnificent Cliffs of Moher in Ireland. The cliffs are one of Ireland’s most beautiful natural attractions on the Atlantic ocean. This workshop assists you in decision making and risk taking, it shows you your past, present and future. If you are seeking truth in your life, this is the workshop for you!
Cost $60
Celtic Divination
There are many different methods of Divination. In this workshop, we focus on the methods of rune casting and dowsing.
Cost $60
Celtic Doorways
The Shamanic mind is an amazing place to explore. You can journey and experience other dimensions you never would have believed possible. Open Doorways into your mind and soul in a gentle and safely guided workshop. Please bring lunch, a pillow, blanket, pen and paper.
Cost: $60

Celtic Fire
Celtic Trinity Fire Meditations assist in igniting passion and fire in your life while releasing and burning away karma in the past, present and future. Awaken the fire within to bring about healing, creativity, strength and much more by reclaiming memories and knowledge that we need for our soul journey in this lifetime.
Cost $60

Celtic Goddess
We will be invoking the Celtic Goddesses to share with us their female energy, strength, determination, willpower and any other gifts they feel will benefit us at this time. This workshop is the female counterpart to Celtic Warrior. I highly suggest you take both workshops to balance female and male energy.
Cost: $60
Celtic Journey
Celtic Journeys are incredible life changing journeys to the inner self. Journey within to attain peace and find your inner voice. There are 5 Celtic Journey workshops offered through the year.
Cost $60
Celtic Lives
Celtic Lives bring you to a place and time you never imagined you would re-visit or remember. Reconnect with lives you have spent in Ireland, learning what aspects of that life affect you in this life. Learn what gifts and talents you have carried with you and would like to bring forth.
Cost $60

Celtic Tree
Trees were highly regarded by the ancient Celts, the mighty Oak being the most revered of trees. It is believed that each tree has it’s own spirit. In this workshop we connect with the spirit and the energy of the Oak Tree to acquire knowledge, guidance and healing.
Cost $60

Celtic Trinity
We call upon the trinity to assist with our life’s purpose and direction.
Cost $60
Celtic Warrior
This workshop is the male counterpart of Celtic goddess. The intention of this workshop is to invoke Male Celtic Warriors and invite them to share their wisdom, strength, bravery along with any other characteristics or traits they feel will benefit us at this time.
Cost: $60
Celtic Water
Celtic Water sounds blended with Celtic touch Healing Soul Song, drumming and Guided Imagery meditations bring a sense of calm and stillness within. Aiding in relaxation, contemplation, cleansing and more.
Cost: $60