Reiki is a gentle technique for fostering healing inducing
relaxation and promoting well being on all four levels of your
Benefits of Reiki
Physical: Release of tension and pain, assisting and increasing relaxation.
Emotional: Clears heavy emotions to make room for more joy and pleasure.
Mental: Moves out negative thoughts that hold you back for being who you would like to be
Spiritual: Connects you with your source of intuition and creativity.
What is Reiki ?
Reiki is a method of Energy Healing. The energy we use is Universal Life Force which put simply is LOVE.
Simply placing one’s hands on oneself, or another person, allows the energy to flow through the individual. It fills the Reiki practitioner’s body first and then flows out through the practitioner hands into the individual who is receiving the healing. The practitioner or facilitator also receives an exchange of energy from the individual receiving the treatment.
Reiki energy is an extremely powerful healing energy. It is one of the few forms of healing that can be used to heal oneself.
Will Reiki interfere with my medications or plan of care?
Reiki does not conflict with other health-care but enhances its results. It does not interfere with traditional medical treatment, in fact it facilitates many benefits. Reiki speeds the healing process and provides a source of restoring energy while one is ill, under medical treatment or in recovery.
Reiki energy is a pure energy form. When it is combined with the sincere desire of the person receiving the treatment, who is willing to effect a cleansing within their emotional and spiritual consciousness, a total healing can occur.
The Reiki practitioner plays an instrumental part in the transformation, yet ultimately it is up to the client to manifest harmony and balance in their life.
Reiki is a tool for use at any moment, any time, anywhere. For on the spot stress release, pain relief, and quick energy. In short, Reiki is a holistic self help technique for directing natural life energy.
By following steps taught by a trained Reiki Master Teacher, anyone is able to direct the "light energy" of Reiki to meet individual needs.
First Degree
This degree is a permanent attunement to the Reiki Ray. Once initiated, it allows a person to channel Reiki energy for healing oneself and others. It requires no special invocation or alteration of the thinking process to turn on the flow of Reiki. By simply placing hands on and opening the heart to love, one automatically brings in the energy. The first degree is the foundation of all three degrees and must first be mastered before the person is considered for the next degree. Under usual circumstances three months time should pass between first degree and second degree.
Cost $200
Reiki & Crystals
First Degree Reiki
Second Degree
Reiki Practitioner
The second degree requires further initiations for attunement to the Symbols utilized in this level.
The student is trained to use appropriate Second Degree Symbols which provide an increase of power from the Reiki Ray for Absent Healing, Distant Healing and Mental/Emotional Healing.
Cost $300
Reiki For Animals
Second Degree Reiki
Third Degree
Reiki Master Practitioner
This degree designation is the level of Reiki Master Practitioner.
The student is attuned to the full Reiki Ray, and for those guided, the path of studying to earn the Title Reiki Master Teacher begins.
Teacher Training is extensive. It involves sitting in on First and Second Degree Classes and Reiki Master Classes and learning Hands On how to do the Attunements etc..
Cost $500
Reiki Master Teacher
Teacher Training is extensive.
It involves sitting in, on all levels of Reiki Training. You attend as an assistant and are invited to share any information you are guided to share.
There is extensive training in Reiki Attunements,
8 additional hours of Theory and Practical Training.
Additional Symbols are integrated and used to create the most optimal conditions for Reiki Attunements.
We Cover Dragon Fire Breath,
Fire & Water Ceremonies and Rituals
Reiki Master Ritual Baths
Understanding the Responsibilities & Honour of Passing on the Lineage of Reiki Masters.
Cost $300
Location changes please register for location.