Scheduled Workshops and Events

Raising your Vibration    Preparing for the 2012 changes
Wednesday November 9th  6pm to 9pm

Preparing for the 2012 changes is an interesting series......because we are actually in the midst of the changes now, they are already in motion, that is why we are feeling the urge to make the changes we need to in our lives. is Diving Timing...all is as it should be.

Recently, many people are having difficulty with the energy shifts occurring in our world at this time. Many are experiencing dizzy spells, vertigo, headaches, anxiety, uncertainty, unusual doubt or fear.

This workshop is a result of many requests for classes to assist in raising awareness and vibration to assist you with your asention, an understanding of who you are, why you are here and what you are preparing for. each person understands that the time for positive changes in their lives is just around the corner. We invite you to join us and find the piece you have been waiting for....this class is like a "key" !

This intense day involves, Deep Meditation, Drumming Journeying, Soul Cry, Extraction Healing, Akashic Records and more....

Core Transformation
Monday November 14th 10am to 3pm

Basic Psychic Development

Monday November 14th   6.30 to 9pm

Bancroft Road Trip     $25
Nov 15th 2011
Walk the Labyrinth at Grail Springs, Peaceful and Empowering Meditations, Light lunch, Drumming Circle and
Fire Ceremony in Mc Donald Mine, Hike and Meditation at Eagles Nest Viewing Point  and more....join us.

We will be organizing car pools and making a suggesting of splitting Gas expense.
We depart Peterborough at 9am  Please bring Drums, shakers, crystals or any other objects you are guided to bring.
Please confirm asap.

Wednesday November 16th  10am to 2pm

Basic Psychic Development
Thursday November 17th  10am to 1pm

Awakening Your Spiritual Self Weekend
Enjoy one or all of the workshops offered. Discounts on weekend packages

Spiritual Development  Part One
Friday November 18th  6pm to 8.30pm

Chakra Workshop

Saturday November 19th  9am to Noon

Soul Purpose
Saturday November 19th 1pm to 4pm

Spiritual Development Part two
Sunday November 9am to Noon

Healing our Spirit 

Sunday 1pm - 4pm

Workshop Certificate Presentation & Reception   4pm to 5pm